Story Consulting Services

Effective story consulting starts early, at the treatment stage. It’s here that the essential foundation blocks of a story’s architecture must be laid down correctly for it to stand solidly, hopefully forever.

After an initial consultation and a reading your story treatment, I provide a detailed analysis and recommendations in the form of report(s) as well as consultation to aid in resolving any primary narrative issues - i.e. possible structural problems.

There are two levels of consultation: Basic and Advanced.

Story Feedback Report & Consultation – Basic

  1. A feedback report that constructively critiques your treatment’s strengths and weaknesses as well as makes recommendations for further development in the areas of: premise, theme, character, structure & plot

  2. Consultation in person (if practical) or via phone or video up to 2 hours. This can be split into multiple sessions and can include co-writer(s) and other members of a creative team.

Story Feedback Report & Consultation Advanced

  1. A initial feedback report that constructively critiques your treatment’s strengths and weaknesses as well as makes recommendations for further development in the areas of: premise, theme, character, structure & plot, conflict, logic, story form, pacing, tone, genre.

  2. Spot Notes on your treatment document.

  3. After the writer(s) have utilized the notes in the initial report and have written a next draft, my second feedback report cites improvements and any further possible weak areas, as well as makes suggestions for further development.

  4. A second set of Spot Notes on your treatment document.

  5. Consultation in person (if practical) or via phone or video up to 2 hours. This can be split into multiple sessions and can include co-writer(s) and other members of a creative team.

TV Series Development

I provide custom designed, bespoke story consultation and script editor services to writers and creative teams who are developing a live action or animated TV series.

For projects at an early stage of development, I can provide a service package that includes feedback report(s) and consultation on the various components of a pitch package, including: your pitch and/or writers’ bible, logline(s), episode teleplays including a pilot, character descriptions, episode outlines (sometimes referred to as ‘springboards’ in animation), promotional trailer scripts, etc.

For projects heading into production, I can provide an on-going story consultant/script editor’s over-view to assist in maintaining perfect consistency and continuity in all areas.