So, you are…?

Someone very interested in…no, no, I’m obsessed with stories and storytelling, but obsessed in a good way. Though I’ve got to admit, I’m a totally boring film geek. Just ask my friends.

It is just your own stories you’re into?

Not at all. All stories. That’s why I also work on the other side of the fence as a story consultant and script editor, assisting fellow writers.  With my own work, I frequently depend on the objective, critical gaze of an outsider to help me, maybe be a sounding board to the bounce ideas off of, sometimes be a shoulder to cry on.  This is crucial to proper development.

What’s the difference between story consulting and a script editing?

As a story consultant, I work with writers at the initial outline or treatment stage on the basic structure and the necessary story components. Script editing is more detailed and further down the line. I give notes on a completed screenplay, sometimes assisting writers or creative teams to develop it to the next draft. I’ve worked in both animation and live action, on features, shorts, and TV series.

What’s the difference between writing for live action and writing for animation?

In terms of story, I don’t see any difference as both require the same things: a solid structure, conflicted characters on journeys of change, logical yet unpredictable plotting, all in service of universal themes that will make it a memorable experience for an audience. Where they differ is animation scripts are more detailed in describing visuals, sounds and action beats and therefore it makes them longer.

So how much do you charge?

How long is a piece of string? Every assignment is different. Unique. That’s why I have no set fees. Everything needs to be discussed and negotiated. You can read about why in my FEES section.